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Half Day Tours, City Tours and more...

Let's start touring the most beautiful Region of all 

Entering the gates of Patagonia...

The City Tours and the Half-day Tours offer us the possibility to begin to soak up the experience that this part of Chilean Patagonia offers us, to understand, for example, how the first German settlers managed to dominate an indomitable terrain and climate, building with determination and effort what we can enjoy today... how they came, how they lived, what their legacy is and more. Just as we will also enrich ourselves knowing the culture of the first inhabitants of our Region, those who were long before everything, and who give this land all its great value.
Come to know the flora, the fauna, the constructions, the people that give life to this wonderful part of the world, the time is now, and in this part of the world time stops for you..._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Accesos directos

"El viajero"

"The traveler"

The nature of the traveler is simple, traveling is simply collecting experiences and experiences to feel life in a freer, purer, more intimate way. Each trip is a door to something totally new, even if the destination has already been visited before, even if the same houses, streets, monuments and landscapes are there... 



Rápido, fácil, directo

Tienes dudas?

"El premio de viajar"

The mere fact of having a new breeze, a different aroma makes everything worthwhile, and creates in the essence of the traveler that new sensation that subconsciously lives in him until the day his body tells him that it is time to stop. .. because the traveler's limit is the time reflected in his body, since the time reflected in his spirit will remain like a flame, which will never go out...

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Socios en excelencia de servicio

En Patagonika trabajamos siempre en conjunto con los mejores prestadores de servicios turísticos de nuestra zona, para entregar una experiencia única.
Aquí encontrarás algunos de nuestros principales socios en excelencia de servicio.  

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Social media

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Tus palabras nos hacen crecer y mejorar día a día.

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Patagonia Travel & Adventure

Telephone: (56) 974067095
Telephone: (56) 985320227


Address: Colin 2007, Altos Puerto Varas

Puerto Varas, X Region, Chile

© Patagonika Travel & Adventure 

All rights reserved 

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Transferencia electrónica, tárjeta de débito / crédito o efectivo. Consulte la forma de pago que más le acomode de acuerdo al lugar en que se encuentre.





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